Problems Using the 101 Incident Reporting Number
The following self explanatory email has been sent to Greg Smith the Sussex Police 101 Contact Handler and it is hoped that we will be able to publish a reply shortly:
Hello Greg
Many thanks for your reply and to the original switchboard operator for her advice when I was trying to make contact on 101 last week.
As the village Neighbourhood Watch coordinator I am extremely concerned about the high number of negative comments that are coming back from members of the community when advising them to ‘phone 101 to report non urgent incidents and suspicions etc. Words and phrases such as ‘Useless’, ‘Waste of time’, ‘Pointless’, ‘Frustrating’ and ‘Annoying’ are constantly being repeated and often posted on our Social Media pages. More than a few report that they have been hanging on the line for anything between 30 to 60 minutes to have their call put through.
Is their anything I can tell our members to reassure them that the use of the 101 number is still of value and importance to local policing and that the current problems with reporting incidents using the number will be resolved?
Eddie Westfield
Hadlow Down Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator
Home & Garden Help
Dwayne Zenka
Phone: 01435 812059
Mobile: 07496048026
Pippins Nursery & Florist
Emma & Jodi Crane NVQ II
Five Ashes, Nr. Mayfield, TN20 6JL
Phone: 01825 830571
Five Chimneys Farm Eggs
Five Chimneys Farm, Hadlow Down, TN22 4DU
Phone: 01825 732617
Web Site:
Coopers Farm
Five Chimneys Lane, Hadlow Down
Mobile: 07894062727
Danny Andrews
Phone: 01825 830658
Mobile: 07818840601
The New Inn
Main Road, Hadlow Down
Phone: 01825 830939
Alchemy Flower Arrangements
Rachel Boswell
Fairlight Glen Farm, Blackboys, TN22 4EY
Phone: 01825 830219|
Jason Pooley
Little Cottage, Wilderness Lane, Hadlow Down TN22 4HJ
Mobile: 07834 868698