Sing for your Supper

Friday 22nd June at the Village Hall from 7.30pm

The Variety Club would like to invite members and interested friends to join us for a fun filled sing-along with live music.

We will be joined by pianist Dom Hartley.  Favourite songs and popular numbers over the decades are on the menu together with Carol’s legendary chilli. (Vegetarian option will be available on request.) Bring a bottle with you or soft drinks will be available at the hall.

Entry is free to all, but donations to the cost of the food would be most welcome at the event.

Suspicious Van Activity in the Village

Neighbourhood Watch Alert!
A resident has reported a series of suspicious looking vehicles entering and leaving his drive in the Wilderness Lane / Riverside area of the village recently.
The most recent being yesterday, Wednesday 6th. June at 2.10 pm a white Vauxhall larger type van Reg. No. KT17LXC driver wearing a Hi-Vis orange jacket. Could possibly be a courier/delivery person who had lost his way but was considered suspicious?
And today the 7th. June a smaller white Vauxhall Combi van Reg. No. DV53HKC. The driver had a beard and was in mid 30s, the passenger estimated at mid 20s both acting extremely suspiciously and described as ‘scruffy’.
Please be especially alert over the coming days and weeks as these people may be reconnoitring houses and outbuildings prior to break-ins.

Continue reading “Suspicious Van Activity in the Village”

Homefront Lindy Hop Club

We teach Lindy Hop and Bal-Swing at the Village Hall on Thursday evenings.

Lindy Hop is a very sociable dance and has the added bonus of being really good exercise!

We also hold a monthly dance at local Village Halls in East Sussex. Come along and enjoy dancing, whether you Lindy, Jive or Rock ‘n Roll!

For more information please do not hesitate to contact us, for details of classes please see the calendar.

Activity Address Hadlow Down Village Hall
Name of Contacts Melanie and Simon
Telephone Melanie – 07766 881045  Simon – 07796 962997

Pop Up Supper Club at the Pavilion

The Playing Field Committee are pleased to announce that the first of this years Pop Up Suppers will be a Polish themed menu. In fact you might say we are “supper” excited!

Please join us at the Playing Field Pavilion from 7pm on Friday 15th June. A three course meal will be served for £15 per person.  Bring your own wine and beer.

The Pavilion is a lovely setting especially when it is  transformed for the evening into a convivial pop up restaurant.

Book early to avoid disappointment. Call Glenys on 01825 830857.