Members Turn Out for Horticultural Society AGM

There was a good turnout of members for this year’s Horticultural Society AGM held in the Village Hall this morning (29/3/22)
The chair was taken by Kathy Cracknell in the absence of Heather Mines due to illness.  Thanks were proposed to retiring members of the committee, Peter Noble, who has done an excellent job over the past few years as treasurer and Penny Eliot who has managed the Annual Show for many years.  Kathy has taken on the task of managing this year’s show. as well as continuing in her role as Membership Secretary.
An interesting programme  has been drawn up for this year including the traditional two supper talks, the first being on Wednesday13th. April.  The illustrated talk will be ‘From City Courtyard to Seaside Sanctuary’ by Geoff Stonebanks to whose wonderfully interesting garden ‘Driftwood’ a group car visit has been arranged for members on Thursday 16th. June.  The Autumn Supper talk will be ‘The Importance of Wildlife Ponds in Our Environment’ by ‘Pete the Pond’.
As well as the group car visit to ‘Driftwood’ there will be another to Merriments Garden in July.
This years annual Show will take place on Saturday 6th. August.
Full details of the show Categories, Rules and Entry Forms will be available to see and download here, on the Hort.Soc’s  village web page shortly.
Future activity programmes will be compiled by the collective committee.
More contact details can be found on the HS Village web page:
or Contact Kathy for membership details etc on 01825 830616