Village Speeding – Your chance to help
As vehicles enter the village on the A272 from the Buxted direction, the speed limit changes straight from 60mph to 30mph, and this results in a very high proportion of these vehicles passing the four public crossing points between the 30mph sign, at the entrance to Waste Wood, and the School Lane/Wilderness Lane crossroads often at speeds exceeding 50mph.
These four pedestrian crossing points are used by the pupils of St Mark’s School to access the designated learning play area “Smile Meadow”; by our senior school children crossing to use their school buses morning and afternoon, and by the many residents that use Waste Wood for general recreation.
It has been noted that the existing speed detection device does encourage vehicles to slow down but to have a similar impact in the vicinity of where these four crossings are then the village needs another speed detector mounting post in the vicinity of the Church.
The Parish Council has obtained ESCC Highways permission for an additional post to be installed but the Parish Council only has sufficient funding to cover 50% of the £2,000 cost.
This is your chance to help reduce speeding throughout the village. This appeal is asking both parents and residents to support this project by helping to fund the additional £1,000 required to have this speed detector pole installed. Should we be successful in raising sufficient extra funds then the village could even purchase an additional speed detector device!
Such “Crowd Funding” cannot be administered by the Parish Council, so I have agreed to manage this appeal as a long-time resident of the village. St Mark’s School parents may wish to act together, through the School Office, to provide a donation.
To ensure accurate auditable payment records to be kept, it is only possible to accept cheques made out to Mr S L W Godfrey and posted through the letter box of Fir Tree Cottage (top of School Lane) or Bank Transfers to Sort Code 40-47-86, Account No. 80791415. Please use your “Surname – Speed”as your Reference. Full records of payments will be kept and be available on request from myself.
Thank you for taking the time to read this appeal and thank you in advance for any payments that you generously offer.
27 years a resident in Hadlow Down